

What is Meda?

Meda is a pharmaceutical laboratory that is currently part of Mylan, a laboratory that was founded in a small town in West Virginia, United States, more than 40 years ago. Its main mission was and is to take care of people's health, being one of the largest manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients that are introduced in both generic and branded medicines. Therefore, it is one of Normon's main players, in terms of marketing and distribution of generic medicines that pass an exhaustive efficacy and safety control by the national and European Health Authorities.

Who can use Levonorgestrel?

Levonorgestrel is one of Mylan' s non-prescription products, available at Farmaciasdirect. This non-prescription medicine is an emergency contraceptive, that is to say, its use is restricted to very specific and highly dangerous situations, being reserved for use after sexual intercourse in which other methods of conception such as condoms have not been used or in which the condom has been torn and it is not known whether there has been leakage, or due to suspicion of any failure in the usual contraceptive.

It is made from a synthetic substance that is analogous to the hormone levonorgestrel, from which it takes its name, and is 84% effective in stopping intended pregnancies, provided it is taken within 72 hours of intercourse. However, it is not 100% effective in all cases and will always be more effective the fewer hours after intercourse, most likely to achieve its goal within 12 hours. Its action is focused on preventing the development of fertilisation of the egg by the sperm, since it is a female hormone that causes changes in the cervix and makes it more difficult for the fertilised egg to adhere to the walls of the uterus.

Levonorgestrel can only be taken by women who are not pregnant, because if women who are pregnant take it, the doctor needs to know about it in order to assess the pregnancy status and rule out possibilities such as ectopic pregnancy or interference with the health of the woman's uterus.If the patient has undergone fallopian tube surgery or has pelvic inflammatory disease, the doctor needs to know if she is pregnant.

In the case of women who are breastfeeding, it can be taken, but bearing in mind that small amounts of the active ingredient can pass into breast milk and to avoid complications, it is recommended that you breastfeed before feeding and pump the breast pump for the following six hours to discard this milk. Finally, it is important to know that you should not drive if you feel dizzy or tired after taking Levonorgestrel.

How to take Levonorgestrel

If you need this medicine without a prescription, you must follow the instructions for taking Levonorgestrel or those given by your doctor or pharmacist. The tablet should preferably be taken within 12 hours of intercourse and never wait longer than 72 hours, as the tablet will not have the same effect. It can be taken at any time during the menstrual cycle, except during pregnancy or if there is any suspicion that conception has already occurred.

This tablet should not be chewed, but swallowed whole with water. Its active ingredient may be invalidated if you have taken any of the following medicines in the last four weeks: barbiturates or medicines to treat epileptic seizures, medicines to treat tuberculosis or HIV infection, medicines to treat fungal infections, or herbal remedies containing St. John's wort. In these cases, it is preferable to see a doctor who will advise you on another type of emergency contraception that does not contain hormones, such as an intrauterine device, or who will advise you on the correct dosage of contraception.

In case you have missed the regular contraceptive pill, it does not clash with taking it regularly. It is also important to understand that this medicine does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, for which a condom should always be used, as it prevents direct contact between the vaginal mucosa and the male lubrication. It should only be used as an emergency contraceptive and not on a regular basis, because if it is used more than once during the menstrual cycle it can alter it.

If you vomit after taking it, you should go to a doctor or family planning centre to get another tablet or the appropriate recommendation, as this may indicate that it has not worked properly. Finally, it should be borne in mind that the next menstrual period after taking it may be a few days earlier or later and that if it is more than 5 days late or if the bleeding is different, a pregnancy test should be carried out.

Where can you buy these products?

You can find non-prescription medicines, which should always be recommended by your pharmacist or general practitioner, as he/she will advise you during the purchase taking into account your personal factors and symptoms. You can buy Mylans products without a prescription at Farmaciasdirect.

What is Meda?

Meda is a pharmaceutical laboratory that is currently part of Mylan, a laboratory that was founded in a small town in West Virginia, United States, more than 40 years ago. Its main mission was and is to take care of people's health, being one of the largest manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients that are introduced in both generic and branded medicines. Therefore, it is one of Normon's main players, in terms of marketing and distribution of generic medicines that pass an exhaustive efficacy and safety control by the national and European Health Authorities.

Who can use Levonorgestrel?

Levonorgestrel is one of Mylan' s non-prescription products, available at Farmaciasdirect. This non-prescription medicine is an emergency contraceptive, that is to say, its use is restricted to very specific and highly dangerous situations, being reserved for use after sexual intercourse in which other methods of conception such as condoms have not been used or in which the condom has been torn and it is not known whether there has been leakage, or due to suspicion of any failure in the usual contraceptive.

It is made from a synthetic substance that is analogous to the hormone levonorgestrel, from which it takes its name, and is 84% effective in stopping intended pregnancies, provided it is taken within 72 hours of intercourse. However, it is not 100% effective in all cases and will always be more effective the fewer hours after intercourse, most likely to achieve its goal within 12 hours. Its action is focused on preventing the development of fertilisation of the egg by the sperm, since it is a female hormone that causes changes in the cervix and makes it more difficult for the fertilised egg to adhere to the walls of the uterus.

Levonorgestrel can only be taken by women who are not pregnant, because if women who are pregnant take it, the doctor needs to know about it in order to assess the pregnancy status and rule out possibilities such as ectopic pregnancy or interference with the health of the woman's uterus.If the patient has undergone fallopian tube surgery or has pelvic inflammatory disease, the doctor needs to know if she is pregnant.

In the case of women who are breastfeeding, it can be taken, but bearing in mind that small amounts of the active ingredient can pass into breast milk and to avoid complications, it is recommended that you breastfeed before feeding and pump the breast pump for the following six hours to discard this milk. Finally, it is important to know that you should not drive if you feel dizzy or tired after taking Levonorgestrel.

How to take Levonorgestrel

If you need this medicine without a prescription, you must follow the instructions for taking Levonorgestrel or those given by your doctor or pharmacist. The tablet should preferably be taken within 12 hours of intercourse and never wait longer than 72 hours, as the tablet will not have the same effect. It can be taken at any time during the menstrual cycle, except during pregnancy or if there is any suspicion that conception has already occurred.

This tablet should not be chewed, but swallowed whole with water. Its active ingredient may be invalidated if you have taken any of the following medicines in the last four weeks: barbiturates or medicines to treat epileptic seizures, medicines to treat tuberculosis or HIV infection, medicines to treat fungal infections, or herbal remedies containing St. John's wort. In these cases, it is preferable to see a doctor who will advise you on another type of emergency contraception that does not contain hormones, such as an intrauterine device, or who will advise you on the correct dosage of contraception.

In case you have missed the regular contraceptive pill, it does not clash with taking it regularly. It is also important to understand that this medicine does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, for which a condom should always be used, as it prevents direct contact between the vaginal mucosa and the male lubrication. It should only be used as an emergency contraceptive and not on a regular basis, because if it is used more than once during the menstrual cycle it can alter it.

If you vomit after taking it, you should go to a doctor or family planning centre to get another tablet or the appropriate recommendation, as this may indicate that it has not worked properly. Finally, it should be borne in mind that the next menstrual period after taking it may be a few days earlier or later and that if it is more than 5 days late or if the bleeding is different, a pregnancy test should be carried out.

Where can you buy these products?

You can find non-prescription medicines, which should always be recommended by your pharmacist or general practitioner, as he/she will advise you during the purchase taking into account your personal factors and symptoms. You can buy Mylans products without a prescription at Farmaciasdirect.