• NUK Biberón First Choice Cristal 0-6 M Latex 240 ml, 1 unidad

NUK First Choice Cristal Baby Bottle 0-6 M Latex 240 ml, 1 pc.


THREE MODELS AVAILABLE, PLEASE NOTE COLOUR WHEN ORDERING. Baby bottle with glass container specially designed for the first months of life.

Regular price €12,18 12,18 € / 1ud
Sale price €12,18 Regular price €14,06
You are saving: -€1,88
12,18 € / 1ud
NUK Biberón First Choice Cristal 0-6 M Latex 240 ml, 1 unidad
NUK First Choice Cristal Baby Bottle 0-6 M Latex 240 ml, 1 pc.
Regular price €12,18 12,18 € / 1ud
Sale price €12,18 Regular price €14,06
You are saving: -€1,88
12,18 € / 1ud



A bottle with a teat suitable for the age, size, physiological characteristics and preferences of the baby should be chosen, as this will determine the degree of acceptance of the bottle, the quality of sucking and the correct development of the jaw and palate.
- It is important to ensure that the flow of water, milk or food is adequate.
Under no circumstances is it advisable to increase the size of the orifice, as this suppresses the sensation of tiredness (necessary for the infant's satiety) and favours the development of poor digestion, with vomiting and abdominal pain.
- Special care must be taken with the state of conservation and hygiene, sterilising them periodically and renewing them when necessary.
- The bottle should be prepared by adjusting the proportions of milk and water to the doses prescribed by the paediatrician or as specified by the manufacturer.
- After each feeding, the bottle should be washed immediately as milk is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Recommended age for use from 4 to 36 months.
Made of sterilisable, non-toxic and unbreakable materials.
Can be boiled up to 120º.
It has no smell or taste and its walls are completely smooth and transparent to avoid food residue sticking to it.

It helps the mother to alternate breast milk with other foods through the bottle, avoiding, thanks to its anatomical latex teat, rejection or discomfort on the part of the baby. Suitable for babies from 0 to 6 months.