Rosemary is an evergreen shrub that grows wild throughout the Mediterranean basin. It has been used since ancient times for its medicinal, culinary and magical properties. In cooking, it is a widely used aromatic plant, as it enhances the flavour of any food, but especially for meat stews, low-fat fish and some vegetables, as well as in the preparation of pickles. We are all familiar with the magical use of "rosemary, rosemary, rosemary, let the bad go out and the good come in", as it is said to ward off evil spirits or energies. At a pharmaceutical level, it should be borne in mind that its chemotype and indications vary according to the area of growth and time of distillation. Rosemary qt cineol essential oil is similar at the molecular level to ravintsara essential oil, so its indications are very similar and can even be combined for a more pronounced effect.