

What is Filvit?

Filvit, from Uriach laboratories, kills head lice thanks to its shampoo and lotion, ideal for boys and girls. It also has an innovative spray that kills lice and nits around the house, thus eradicating the pest and eliminating the risk of relapse. Although head lice are more common in children between 3 and 10... Leer más

What is Filvit?

Filvit, from Uriach laboratories, kills head lice thanks to its shampoo and lotion, ideal for boys and girls. It also has an innovative spray that kills lice and nits around the house, thus eradicating the pest and eliminating the risk of relapse. Although head lice are more common in children between 3 and 10 years old, adults can be infected just as easily, so Filvit products such as the shampoo are also available for them. Although being infested does not pose a serious health risk, it is important to know how to fight them and to keep a constant check on them. By establishing a routine care routine, it will be easier to prevent them and protect yourself from possible contagion and, if contagion is unavoidable, you can treat it in time so that it is not so costly to get rid of the infestation. To control them, it is important to be aware of them and to dispel myths that are false. One of the myths is about how they are spread. Although it is often thought that head lice jump or fly, the reality is that they don't. In fact, they don't have wings. In fact, they do not have wings. The most common way of spreading head lice is by sharing a comb, hat, hairpin, pillow or even a scarf. It is also very common to associate hygiene with head lice, but it is wrong to think that people who have head lice have dirty or badly cared for hair.

Filvit products

One of Filvit 's star products is Filvit Home spray, which eliminates lice and nits from the home, thus preventing relapses. It is a 100% effective product that does not stain and is scientifically proven. It is very easy to use, as you only have to spray where you want to apply it and let it dry. Another product is the Filvit Nature Kit, which contains anti-lice lotion, conditioner and a comb, which effectively kills lice. The lotion combines vinegar, which is essential for eliminating the substance that nits cling to, and Quassia amara, which paralyses lice and nits. The products in this Filvit Kit have a 100% natural composition. The conditioner is composed of panthenol and vinegar. These products are suitable for children from one year of age as they are tested under paediatric and dermatological control.

Filvit against lice and nits

Filvit effectively kills head lice and nits, but it is advisable to know the characteristics of these insects before dealing with them. There are three different types of lice depending on the area where they are found: head lice, pubic lice and body lice. Buying Filvit is ideal to get rid of head lice. Lice are very small in size, measuring between 2 and 3 millimetres, so you have to pay attention to see them. They are wingless and feed on blood. They are oviparous and their eggs are better known as nits, which are usually white or greyish in colour. Also, a curious fact is that they are not contagious in water because they become encysted.

How long do lice live?

Lice live between 30 and 50 days on the head, however, outside the head they do not last more than 2 days. When a female louse lays an egg, it does so in an area close to the root, as the temperature and humidity conditions are ideal for the good development of the egg, which takes about 10 days to break. The egg sticks to the hair thanks to a sticky substance that makes it impossible to wash off with water. Once the egg hatches, the newly hatched louse, known as a nymph, emerges. Its size is so small that it is virtually impossible for the human eye to see. After 12 days, this nymph becomes an adult louse and it is then that it can reproduce and, if it is a female, it can deposit between 150 and 300 nits.

Filvit products without insecticide

Filvit's anti-lice product, with an effective formula containing a lotion, a campoule and a comb with a thousand barbs, is ideal for removing nits and lice from the scalp. The lotion kills lice and nits thanks to malathion, the main ingredient that kills them quickly and effectively. Filvit Shampoo contains permethrin, which has a high residual action. Another treatment is the Filvit Dimethicone Kit. It is a Filvit lotion that does not contain insecticides and kills lice and nits thanks to its applicator, which goes directly to the root. Its ingredients cause the lice to suffocate and, thanks to dimethicone, it stops them from spreading. Another product available at Farmaciasdirect is Filvit protector, ideal for preventing contagion. This protector blocks the parasites' antennae and saturates their receptors, thus causing the lice to move away. It also prevents recurrence after treatment and does not irritate the scalp. To apply this Filvit product, simply massage it into the dry scalp.

Where to buy Filvit?

Head lice are a very common problem, especially in the summer months. Although it is not serious, the itch they cause is very uncomfortable, so it is a good idea to get rid of lice and nits as soon as possible by using Filvit products such as shampoo, which can be purchased at the online pharmacy Farmaciasdirect, where a large number of Filvit anti-lice lotions are available. In addition, the kit contains other Filvit products at a good price, such as the conditioner and the nit comb.