

What is EllaOne?

EllaOne, whose active ingredient is ulipristal acetate, is a drug used for emergency contraception. It is considered a safe and effective option for women seeking to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. EllaOne works by inhibiting or delaying ovulation, which serves to prevent an egg from being fertilised.... Leer más

What is EllaOne?

EllaOne, whose active ingredient is ulipristal acetate, is a drug used for emergency contraception. It is considered a safe and effective option for women seeking to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. EllaOne works by inhibiting or delaying ovulation, which serves to prevent an egg from being fertilised. This medication can be administered up to 120 hours (five days) after unprotected intercourse.

Mechanism of action

EllaOne's mechanism of action focuses on the modulation of progesterone, a key hormone in the menstrual cycle. By interfering with progesterone receptors, EllaOne delays ovulation, which means that the egg is not released from the ovary. If ovulation has already occurred, EllaOne can disrupt the lining of the uterus, making it difficult for a fertilised egg to implant. This property makes EllaOne an effective emergency method.

Effectiveness and use

The effectiveness of EllaOne is high, especially when taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse. Studies have shown that its use significantly reduces the risk of pregnancy. For best results, it is recommended that women take the pill within 24 hours. EllaOne is a valuable option for women who do not wish to wait for the start of their next menstrual cycle.