• Test Diagnostico Combi Felv+Fiv 2 Test Covetrus

Diagnostic Test Combi Felv+Fiv 2 Covetrus Test


The Covetrus Combi Felv+Fiv 2 Test is a veterinary tool used to detect feline leukaemia (Felv) and feline immunodeficiency (FIV) diseases in cats. This test combines two tests in one, allowing rapid and accurate detection of these diseases. It is an essential tool for early diagnosis and proper health management of cats.

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Test Diagnostico Combi Felv+Fiv 2 Test Covetrus
Diagnostic Test Combi Felv+Fiv 2 Covetrus Test
Regular price €39,32
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The Covetrus Combi Felv+Fiv 2 Test is a veterinary tool used to detect feline leukaemia (Felv) and feline immunodeficiency (FIV) diseases in cats. This product combines two tests in one, allowing rapid and accurate detection of these common feline viral diseases. The test is used for early diagnosis, facilitating timely treatment and control of the spread of these diseases in feline populations.


The Covetrus Combi Diagnostic Felv+Fiv 2 Test is a veterinary product used to detect feline leukaemia (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency (FIV) diseases in cats. Some benefits of using this product are:

1. Early detection of diseases: This test allows rapid and accurate detection of the presence of FeLV and FIV in cats, facilitating early diagnosis and timely treatment.

2. Prevention of disease spread: By detecting these diseases, measures can be taken to prevent the spread of FeLV and FIV to other cats, as these are highly contagious diseases.

3. Better veterinary care planning: Knowing the health status of a cat in relation to FeLV and FIV allows the veterinarian to plan appropriate and personalised care, including vaccinations and specific treatments.

4. Peace of mind for pet owners: Performing this test provides peace of mind for cat owners, as it allows them to know the health status of their pet and take the necessary measures to ensure its well-being.

It is important to note that this answer is based on general information about the benefits of using a diagnostic test for FeLV and FIV in cats. For more specific information on the product in question, it is recommended that you consult the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations or speak to a veterinarian.

Instructions for use

The Covetrus Combi Felv+Fiv 2 Test is a veterinary product used to detect the feline diseases known as Felv (feline leukaemia) and FIV (feline immunodeficiency). The instructions for use of this product generally involve the following:

1. make sure you have the complete test kit, which includes the test devices, reagent solutions and instructions for use.

2. Wash your hands and wear disposable gloves to avoid contamination of the specimens.

3. Prepare the blood or saliva samples according to the instructions provided in the kit. It may be necessary to draw a small amount of blood or collect a saliva sample using sterile swabs.

4. Place the prepared samples in the test devices as directed. Be sure to follow the specific instructions for each disease (Felv or IVF) and use the appropriate test devices.

5. Add the reagent solutions provided in the kit to the test devices as directed. These solutions will help detect the presence of the antigens or antibodies associated with the diseases.

6. Wait for the time indicated in the instructions for the reaction to occur and results to be obtained.

7. Read the results according to the instructions provided in the kit. There may be different ways of interpreting the results, such as control lines and test lines indicating the presence or absence of the diseases.

It is important to follow the specific instructions provided by the test kit manufacturer, as they may vary slightly depending on the brand and type of product. Always consult a veterinarian if you have any questions or need additional guidance on the use of this product.