• Specchiasol Fisiosol 06 Zinc-Cobre 20Amp.

Specchiasol Fisiosol 18 Selenium 20Amp.


SPECCHIASOL FISIOSOL 18 Selenium 20amp is a food supplement containing selenium, an essential mineral for the body. Selenium is known for its antioxidant properties and its role in the normal functioning of the immune system. This product can help strengthen the immune system and protect cells from oxidative stress. It is important to follow directions for use and consult a health professional before beginning any supplementation.

Regular price €12,86
Sale price €12,86 Regular price €14,29
You are saving: -€1,43
Specchiasol Fisiosol 06 Zinc-Cobre 20Amp.
Specchiasol Fisiosol 18 Selenium 20Amp.
Regular price €12,86
Sale price €12,86 Regular price €14,29
You are saving: -€1,43

SPECCHIASOL FISIOSOL 18 Selenium 20amp is a product containing selenium, an essential mineral for the body. Selenium is known for its antioxidant properties, which means that it helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, selenium also plays an important role in the immune system and thyroid function. This product is used as a dietary supplement to help maintain a healthy immune system and promote general well-being.


Please refer to the packaging of this product for a full list of ingredients and nutritional information. If in doubt, or if you require additional information on any active ingredient, please consult our team of expert pharmacists at Farmaciasdirect.