Tratamiento facial antioxidante, y anti polución que regenera la piel, y reduce las imperfecciones generadas por los radicales libres, y los daños del medio ambiente.
Segle Clinical's Skin Factor Serum is scientifically designed to combat the mistreatment of external agents, such as environmental pollution and UVA/UVB rays. Enriched with vitamin E, it acts as an antioxidant, preventing free radicals in cells, which are responsible for premature ageing of the face. The growth factors present in this product stimulate the natural regeneration of the skin, improving its texture and reducing wrinkles and expression lines. Its high content of hyaluronic acid and marine collagen moisturises the skin from the deepest layers, providing greater elasticity and facial radiance.
Segle Clinical's Skin Factor Serum is suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive and damaged ones.
Segle Clinical's Skin Factor Serum is an antioxidant, regenerating, anti-wrinkle and anti-pollution serum that protects skin cells, even on sensitive, irritated and damaged skin. This product is recommended after aggressive medical treatments, such as peelings, photoepilation, microdermabrasion and overexposure to the sun's rays.
Skin Factor Serum by Segle Clinical won the Idermo Spain 2020 award.
After your usual cleansing routine, with any Segle Clinical product, apply 3 or 4 drops of Segle Clinical Skin Factor Serum on your cleansed face and massage gently until completely absorbed. This treatment can be applied twice a day "morning and night".
If you wish to enhance the results, follow the serum with Segle Clinical's Skin Factor Cream, especially for dry and damaged skin.
It helps to stabilize the skin, its content in marine collagen and hyaluronic acid, make the skin regenerator increasing the cohesion of the dermis, moisturizing and firming the skin. Consult the pharmaceutical advisor of Farmaciasdirect.
The active ingredients of this product are: Growth factors, Zirhafirm®, Vitamin E, Hyaluronic acid, Marine collagen, and Organic silicon.