• KIN Medium Brush 2X1

KIN Medium Brush 2X1


KIN is an effective medium-hard toothbrush for proper cleaning that removes food residues and bacterial plaque. It does not damage gums or cause bleeding or oral inflammation and is ideal for daily oral hygiene.

Regular price €3,39
Sale price €3,39 Regular price €3,77
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KIN Medium Brush 2X1
KIN Medium Brush 2X1
Regular price €3,39
Sale price €3,39 Regular price €3,77
You are saving: -€0,38

What is it and what is it for?

KIN medium toothbrush is a dental cleaning accessory with a small, triangular-shaped brush head that makes it easy to reach any part of the mouth. Its handle is anatomical and has grooves that facilitate a comfortable and secure grip. Its tynex filaments with rounded tip help care for gums and tooth enamel and prevent gum bleeding and dental lesions.

It includes a protective cap that helps preserve the bristles together to extend the life of the brush. It also protects it from contamination and bacterial growth. The materials used to make the Kin medium hard toothbrush are hypoallergenic and latex-free to prevent adverse brushing reactions.

Its overall structure helps to effectively remove food debris and tartar that is often left in the mouth after eating. Good brushing with Kin helps to counteract halitosis (bad breath), as well as to prevent the presence of dental caries and small lesions on the oral mucous membranes. It is important to keep in mind that brushing should last at least 2 minutes and should sweep the tongue, all tooth surfaces and the spaces between the teeth.

Oral hygiene with Kin helps to maintain dental health and is essential for a good quality of life. Keeping your teeth clean, free of cavities and complete gives you more personal confidence, as well as making it easier to chew food properly, enjoy it to the fullest extent and digest it correctly. Daily brushing should be part of a personal routine from childhood to keep teeth complete and mouth and gums healthy.

Who is it suitable for?

KIN toothbrush is indicated for adults who want to ensure correct and effective brushing of their teeth, gums and dental mucous membranes.

How to use

Apply the usual toothpaste on the moistened toothbrush and proceed to brush all tooth surfaces with circular movements from top to bottom, including the tongue and gums. Then rinse with plenty of water. It is advisable to brush your teeth 3 times a day after every meal and before going to bed. It is important to change the toothbrush every 2 to 3 months.


This toothbrush is not suitable for use by children or those who suffer from any type of intolerance that requires them to use a specialised toothbrush.


Medium hard tynex filaments, protective cap, ergonomic polyurethane handle.