The Glucoject Dual Plus lancing device is a tool designed by Menarini to assist in the control and measurement of blood glucose in people with or prone to diabetes. Intuitive and easy to use design.
The Glucoject Dual Plus lancing device is a healthcare product developed by the Menarini brand as a safe and efficient option for rapid surface blood sampling. It has an intuitive design, with buttons and labels that indicate in a practical way how to use the device.
It has 5 different levels to adjust the degree of puncture. The first and second levels are designed for people with thin or soft skin, level 3 for medium skin and the last two, 4 and 5, for thick or calloused skin. It also has an automatic ejector that makes it easy to remove the lancets without touching them.
It is mainly indicated for people who suffer or are at risk of suffering from diabetes, and want to maintain control of their blood glucose levels.
To use the lancing device correctly, it is advisable to use Glucoject Lancet Plus lancets, although it can be used in conjunction with most lancets on the market.
In case you need to lancet a part of the body other than the fingers, the device comes with an adapter.
Do not attempt to remove lancets manually or open the device. Keep the surface of the device clean and hygienic in order to obtain the most sterile and unaltered samples possible.