• Fepadiet Fepa-Slim+ 20+20 Cápsulas
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Fepadiet Fepa-Slim+ 20+20 Capsules


Fepadiet Fepa-Slim+ is a dietary supplement in capsule form that helps in the slimming process. It is formulated with natural ingredients that act as fat burners, accelerating the metabolism and reducing the accumulation of fat in the body. This product is ideal to complement a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Regular price €16,40
Sale price €16,40 Regular price €23,43
You are saving: -€7,03
Fepadiet Fepa-Slim+ 20+20 Cápsulas
Fepadiet Fepa-Slim+ 20+20 Capsules
Regular price €16,40
Sale price €16,40 Regular price €23,43
You are saving: -€7,03
Fepadiet Fepa-Slim+ is a dietary supplement in capsule form that is used to aid in weight loss and fat burning. It contains natural ingredients that act as fat burners and speed up the metabolism, which helps to reduce the accumulation of fat in the body. This product is ideal to complement a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.


Please refer to the packaging of this product for a full list of ingredients and nutritional information. If in doubt, or if you require additional information on any active ingredient, please consult our team of expert pharmacists at Farmaciasdirect.