• Fepadiet Fepa-Psicobiotic 30 Cápsulas
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Fepadiet Fepa-Psicobiotic 30 Capsules


Fepadiet Fepa-Psicobiotic is a food supplement in capsule form containing a combination of probiotics and prebiotics. It is designed to promote the health of the digestive system and improve the balance of the intestinal flora. This product can help strengthen the immune system and improve nutrient absorption.

Regular price €20,75
Sale price €20,75 Regular price €29,64
You are saving: -€8,89
Fepadiet Fepa-Psicobiotic 30 Cápsulas
Fepadiet Fepa-Psicobiotic 30 Capsules
Regular price €20,75
Sale price €20,75 Regular price €29,64
You are saving: -€8,89
Fepadiet Fepa-Psicobiotic is a food supplement in capsule form. This product is designed to help maintain the balance of intestinal flora and promote mental health. It contains a combination of probiotics and prebiotics that support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can have a positive impact on mood and cognitive function. Fepadiet Fepa-Psicobiotic is used as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle to improve overall wellbeing.


Please refer to the packaging of this product for a full list of ingredients and nutritional information. If in doubt, or if you require additional information on any active ingredient, please consult our team of expert pharmacists at Farmaciasdirect.