• Fepadiet Fepa-Alergivit 30 Cápsulas
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Fepadiet Fepa-Alergivit 30 Capsules


Fepadiet Fepa-Alergivit is a food supplement in capsule form that helps to relieve the symptoms of allergies. It contains a combination of natural ingredients that help to strengthen the immune system and reduce the body's allergic response. This product is ideal for people suffering from seasonal allergies or food allergies.

Regular price €18,85
Sale price €18,85 Regular price €26,93
You are saving: -€8,08
Fepadiet Fepa-Alergivit 30 Cápsulas
Fepadiet Fepa-Alergivit 30 Capsules
Regular price €18,85
Sale price €18,85 Regular price €26,93
You are saving: -€8,08
Fepadiet Fepa-Alergivit is a food supplement in capsule form. It is used to relieve the symptoms of allergies, such as nasal congestion, sneezing and itchy eyes. This product contains natural ingredients that help strengthen the immune system and reduce the body's allergic response. It is recommended for people suffering from seasonal allergies or specific food allergies. It is recommended to take one capsule a day, preferably with meals.


Please refer to the packaging of this product for a full list of ingredients and nutritional information. If in doubt, or if you require additional information on any active ingredient, please consult our team of expert pharmacists at Farmaciasdirect.