

What is Sanutri?

Sanutri is a brand dedicated to the research, manufacture and development of food formulas that have been created to provide both a substitute and complementary solution to breastfeeding, to deal with problems related to intolerance to substances such as lactose and other proteins derived from cows, to provide nutritional support in cases of premature birth, to facilitate the baby's digestive processes, to compensate for the loss of water and mineral salts due to diarrhoea or vomiting thanks to its rehydrating serums and to start the baby on its way to becoming a healthy baby.It also helps to compensate for water and mineral salt losses due to diarrhoea or vomiting thanks to its rehydration serums, and to start the baby on the road to independence through its first solid porridges of cereals, fruit and rice once it has reached 4 months of age. The company, which has been developing and innovating children's products for more than 50 years, has based its work on the decisive role of breast milk in the first months after birth.

The company took its first steps in Switzerland in 1865 with Dr. Georg Wander, a chemist concerned about malnutrition and infant nutrition. When this is not possible or insufficient, artificial baby milks are vital for the baby to continue the proper development of a strong organism. These first milks, developed in the late 1950s, were primarily intended to feed the baby something that could be tolerated and accepted by his new stomach. It was in 1967 when Sandoz, a major Swiss multinational, bought the company and began to research and innovate solutions that would not only nourish but also help to heal any type of digestive ailment or help with feeding intolerances to certain cow proteins or lactose. The range of products has now been extended to include gluten-free and gluten-free porridges that guarantee the absence of milk, lactose and egg proteins.

What products does Sanutri offer?

Sanutri offers a wide range of products to care for the nutrition and nutritional and digestive well-being of the youngest members of the household. On the one hand, it is possible to find all kinds of powdered artificial milks formulated taking into account paediatric requirements and advice, using easily digestible and intestinal tolerance compounds that offer the maximum similarity with the nutritional characteristics of mother's milk. Most of them do not contain lactose or animal proteins. Solutions for the treatment of problems such as constipation and dehydration caused by frequent vomiting or diarrhoea are also compounded and developed. From four months onwards, it is necessary to supplement the baby's diet by means of solid supplements in porridge with gluten-free textures that facilitate the assimilation and absorption of nutrients by the baby's organism so that it can gradually become accustomed to them.

All Sanutri 's powdered solutions have been created taking into account the nutritional requirements of newborns in order to deal with any insufficiency that may dramatically affect both physical and mental development, based on the properties of mother's milk: use of optimal, easily digestible proteins which are extracted directly from cow's milk without applying any chemical or heat treatment to enhance its quality as a way of not overloading the still immature organs of the child; of live micro-organisms such as prebiotics which, when administered in quantities ofThese include substances present in breast milk such as nucleotides, which increase the amount of antibodies, and polyunsaturated fatty acids that complement the supply of key fatty acids for growth such as DHA.

How to detect digestive disorders?

Digestive disorders related to infant feeding are usually related to intolerance or allergy to some type of protein derived from cow's milk or lactose, which can manifest itself through a process of gastroenteritis that brings with it vomiting and diarrhoea. In these cases, the only possible treatment is to feed the baby using highly hydrolysed formulas such as those from Sanutri. It should be borne in mind that lactose intolerance is due to a lactase deficiency, an enzyme in the small intestine that is responsible for breaking down milk sugar into glucose and galactose, so a lactose-free diet without dairy products is necessary for a period of time until lactase levels recover.

Another problem that the baby may suffer frequently in the intestinal tract during the first months of life is constipation due to the exclusive milk diet during the first four or six months. To this must be added the certain degree of immaturity of their intestinal digestive system, which is why constipation is usually one of the most common reasons for consulting a paediatrician. For this reason, Sanutri products against constipation are formulated with the fat that most closely resembles that of mother's milk. In addition, by introducing foods other than milk into the diet, such as fruit porridges, vegetable purée with meat or fish, as well as diversifying the diet with the introduction of other proteins, fibres are provided which will help in the formation of the food bolus and prevent constipation.

Where can I buy Sanutri products?

Buying Sanutri is easy and safe at the Farmaciasdirect online pharmacy. It is an economical and convenient way to buy all the necessary products for feeding your baby during the first months of life. Despite the fact that breast milk is always and will always be the best option for the newborn, sometimes there are certain circumstances in which it is necessary to assist the feeding process with some type of artificial milk that enhances the nutritional contribution. Whether breastfeeding is not possible, or if it is insufficient, or if the baby is premature, it is essential to consume powdered solutions that take into account important aspects such as allergies or intolerances to certain animal proteins or lactose.

Sanutri food products are available at a good price on the Farmaciasdirect website. They have been developed taking into account not only the nutritional requirements, but also adapting their formulas as much as possible so that they are easy to digest, reduce the risk of vomiting and diarrhoea and stop constipation, simulating mother's milk as much as possible. If vomiting, diarrhoea or constipation become an almost daily occurrence, it is always advisable to visit the paediatrician to ensure that there is no nutritional problem that could end up affecting the baby's health and correct physical and mental development. It should be borne in mind that this type of insufficiency can have serious risks.

What is Sanutri?

Sanutri is a brand dedicated to the research, manufacture and development of food formulas that have been created to provide both a substitute and complementary solution to breastfeeding, to deal with problems related to intolerance to substances such as lactose and other proteins derived from cows, to provide nutritional support in cases of premature birth, to facilitate the baby's digestive processes, to compensate for the loss of water and mineral salts due to diarrhoea or vomiting thanks to its rehydrating serums and to start the baby on its way to becoming a healthy baby.It also helps to compensate for water and mineral salt losses due to diarrhoea or vomiting thanks to its rehydration serums, and to start the baby on the road to independence through its first solid porridges of cereals, fruit and rice once it has reached 4 months of age. The company, which has been developing and innovating children's products for more than 50 years, has based its work on the decisive role of breast milk in the first months after birth.

The company took its first steps in Switzerland in 1865 with Dr. Georg Wander, a chemist concerned about malnutrition and infant nutrition. When this is not possible or insufficient, artificial baby milks are vital for the baby to continue the proper development of a strong organism. These first milks, developed in the late 1950s, were primarily intended to feed the baby something that could be tolerated and accepted by his new stomach. It was in 1967 when Sandoz, a major Swiss multinational, bought the company and began to research and innovate solutions that would not only nourish but also help to heal any type of digestive ailment or help with feeding intolerances to certain cow proteins or lactose. The range of products has now been extended to include gluten-free and gluten-free porridges that guarantee the absence of milk, lactose and egg proteins.

What products does Sanutri offer?

Sanutri offers a wide range of products to care for the nutrition and nutritional and digestive well-being of the youngest members of the household. On the one hand, it is possible to find all kinds of powdered artificial milks formulated taking into account paediatric requirements and advice, using easily digestible and intestinal tolerance compounds that offer the maximum similarity with the nutritional characteristics of mother's milk. Most of them do not contain lactose or animal proteins. Solutions for the treatment of problems such as constipation and dehydration caused by frequent vomiting or diarrhoea are also compounded and developed. From four months onwards, it is necessary to supplement the baby's diet by means of solid supplements in porridge with gluten-free textures that facilitate the assimilation and absorption of nutrients by the baby's organism so that it can gradually become accustomed to them.

All Sanutri 's powdered solutions have been created taking into account the nutritional requirements of newborns in order to deal with any insufficiency that may dramatically affect both physical and mental development, based on the properties of mother's milk: use of optimal, easily digestible proteins which are extracted directly from cow's milk without applying any chemical or heat treatment to enhance its quality as a way of not overloading the still immature organs of the child; of live micro-organisms such as prebiotics which, when administered in quantities ofThese include substances present in breast milk such as nucleotides, which increase the amount of antibodies, and polyunsaturated fatty acids that complement the supply of key fatty acids for growth such as DHA.

How to detect digestive disorders?

Digestive disorders related to infant feeding are usually related to intolerance or allergy to some type of protein derived from cow's milk or lactose, which can manifest itself through a process of gastroenteritis that brings with it vomiting and diarrhoea. In these cases, the only possible treatment is to feed the baby using highly hydrolysed formulas such as those from Sanutri. It should be borne in mind that lactose intolerance is due to a lactase deficiency, an enzyme in the small intestine that is responsible for breaking down milk sugar into glucose and galactose, so a lactose-free diet without dairy products is necessary for a period of time until lactase levels recover.

Another problem that the baby may suffer frequently in the intestinal tract during the first months of life is constipation due to the exclusive milk diet during the first four or six months. To this must be added the certain degree of immaturity of their intestinal digestive system, which is why constipation is usually one of the most common reasons for consulting a paediatrician. For this reason, Sanutri products against constipation are formulated with the fat that most closely resembles that of mother's milk. In addition, by introducing foods other than milk into the diet, such as fruit porridges, vegetable purée with meat or fish, as well as diversifying the diet with the introduction of other proteins, fibres are provided which will help in the formation of the food bolus and prevent constipation.

Where can I buy Sanutri products?

Buying Sanutri is easy and safe at the Farmaciasdirect online pharmacy. It is an economical and convenient way to buy all the necessary products for feeding your baby during the first months of life. Despite the fact that breast milk is always and will always be the best option for the newborn, sometimes there are certain circumstances in which it is necessary to assist the feeding process with some type of artificial milk that enhances the nutritional contribution. Whether breastfeeding is not possible, or if it is insufficient, or if the baby is premature, it is essential to consume powdered solutions that take into account important aspects such as allergies or intolerances to certain animal proteins or lactose.

Sanutri food products are available at a good price on the Farmaciasdirect website. They have been developed taking into account not only the nutritional requirements, but also adapting their formulas as much as possible so that they are easy to digest, reduce the risk of vomiting and diarrhoea and stop constipation, simulating mother's milk as much as possible. If vomiting, diarrhoea or constipation become an almost daily occurrence, it is always advisable to visit the paediatrician to ensure that there is no nutritional problem that could end up affecting the baby's health and correct physical and mental development. It should be borne in mind that this type of insufficiency can have serious risks.