

What is Noviderm?

Noviderm is a natural cosmetics brand created by Laboratoires Expanscience with the aim of developing new natural formulas to restore dermatological health and improve the appearance of the skin.

The history of Noviderm is the story of a passion: the passion of its teams of botanists, phytochemists, biologists, pharmacists and dermatologists for scientific innovation and the infinite bounty of the plant world.

It all began more than 15 years ago at Laboratoires Expanscience, when they decided to pool our different fields of expertise and their enthusiasm for providing dermatological solutions for the dermatological world.enthusiasm to provide dermo-cosmetic solutions for problem skin, such as acne-prone skin or hyperpigmented skin. To obtain formulas whose efficacy and tolerance were unbeatable, they knew that they had to act not only on the signs but also on the causes of these skin disorders.

In this search for global solutions to skin problems, nature has always been our best ally. Indeed, it possesses extremely valuable natural resources for correcting skin problems: from the very first steps, they draw the powerful active ingredients that make up their products from the very heart of plants. To do this, they rely on the unique expertise of Laboratoires Expanscience, the fruit of 60 years of experience in skin physiology, mastery of the plant world and sustainable development.

Over the years, they have never ceased to innovate in order to offer you even safer, more effective and more pleasant skin care products, based on the latest scientific advances in dermatology and plant extraction.

Noviderm products

The brand differentiates itself by formulating innovative natural creams and cosmetics, with plant-based ingredients, which offer solutions to various skin disorders and aesthetic problems, such as wrinkles, blemishes or acne.

Also, one of the company's most important objectives is to minimise damage to the environment. For this reason, they use packaging that is respectful as it is created with recycled plastics or the paper or cardboard they use comes from forests or companies managed in a legal and sustainable way, among other things.

In the FarmaciasDirect catalogue you can find Noviderm boreade creams for the different uses, types of tissues and needs of your skin. From the boreade washing cream to the anti-pigmentation cream, you will find all these products at the best price.

Habits for acne-prone skin

To get rid of pimples and blackheads, nothing can replace a dermatological treatment accompanied by appropriate dermo-cosmetic care. However, a few simple habits can limit the increase in blemishes: quickly adopt these good habits to enjoy healthy skin.

The first thing to do is to adopt irreproachable daily hygiene to eliminate excess sebum and impurities accumulated on the skin by washing your face twice a day with a gentle product without rubbing. Opt for gentle, non-irritating cleansing and skincare products specially adapted to acne-prone skin, such as Noviderm's Boréade line, which will help you effectively fight against blemishes. Always choose non-comedogenic and non-greasy cosmetics (make-up, hygiene and care products, etc.), such as those available in pharmacies. Use sun creams with a high protection factor in summer (SPF 50 minimum).Control stress, which encourages acne outbreaks, and follow the dermatological treatment to the letter and without getting discouraged: nowadays, medical treatments are very effective, although they require several weeks to take effect and must be followed for at least three months for the improvement to be long-lasting.

On the other hand, what you should not do is choose drying, degreasing (Marseille soap type) or alcohol-based hygiene and treatment products to better fight against blemishes: in this case, they could multiply. Similarly, do not wash your face more than twice a day so as not to compromise the skin's balance. Avoid chocolate or cold meats. Good news! To date, the link between a fatty and/or sugary diet and the aggravation of acne has not been scientifically proven. You can therefore enjoy these pleasures without fearing an increase in pimples and blackheads. However, beyond acne, keep in mind that a balanced diet is the first step to totally healthy skin. Popping pimples and blackheads. You could infect acne lesions and spread germs across the skin. This can lead to over-infection, scarring and more pimples. Exposing yourself to the sun to fight pimples: at first, ultraviolet rays can actually dry out blemishes and give the impression of an improved skin condition. However, in the medium term, the sun causes the skin to thicken and contributes to clogged pores. If you use non-comedogenic, non-oily products and thoroughly remove make-up every night, there is no point in going without make-up. There are many products that will help you conceal skin imperfections.

Habits for blemished skin

Generally located on the face, décolleté, arms and hands, blemishes (or lentigines) tend to increase with age and after the summer holidays: the sun and ageing are the two main causes. To prevent them from multiplying over time, adopt good habits as soon as possible!

In this case, the best thing to do is to consult your dermatologist, who will make a precise diagnosis of the spots and propose the most appropriate treatment. Avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible, especially in summer.Use a sun cream with a high protection factor, SPF 30 to 50+, on exposed areas (face, neck, décolleté, arms, etc.) and in all seasons, even when you do not plan to sunbathe.Avoid the sun, especially if you are pregnant, to limit the risk of the famous "pregnancy spots" or chloasma (associated with hormonal changes and exposure to ultraviolet rays). If the spots are numerous and very marked, consider laser or pulsed light treatment, which should be carried out by a specialised dermatologist. Use a depigmenting cream such as Noviderm's Melatrio Intensive Depigmenting Cream morning and night. Alone or as a complement to a laser treatment, it will help to attenuate existing spots and prevent the appearance of new ones. Check that the cosmetics and/or medicines you use are not photosensitising.Do not hesitate to use make-up: concealers and foundations will help to even out the complexion quickly and contribute to its protection and always keep children perfectly protected from the sun:In addition to the immediate risks, sunburn in childhood encourages the appearance of freckles and spots in adulthood.

What you should not do is apply sunscreen only once a day: to be effective and retain its protective effect, a sunscreen should be applied at least four times a day (when you get up, at midday, after lunch and in the evening). Do not apply any sunscreen on cloudy days: although the heat is less intense than when it is sunny, the ultraviolet rays pass through the clouds and the risks to the skin remain the same, and expose the face directly to the sun, even with a cream with a very high protection factor: a sunscreen is not a shield and areas with spots should be kept in the shade.

Where can you buy these products?

In the online parapharmacy Farmaciasdirect you can find Noviderm products at pharmacy prices. Its pharmacists and professionals are available by e-mail to answer any questions you may have before or after purchasing these or other products.

Plus, take advantage of our discounts and promotions and get even cheaper products. Even take a look at the reviews of Noviderm Spain products and get out of doubt. Care for and protect your skin!

What is Noviderm?

Noviderm is a natural cosmetics brand created by Laboratoires Expanscience with the aim of developing new natural formulas to restore dermatological health and improve the appearance of the skin.

The history of Noviderm is the story of a passion: the passion of its teams of botanists, phytochemists, biologists, pharmacists and dermatologists for scientific innovation and the infinite bounty of the plant world.

It all began more than 15 years ago at Laboratoires Expanscience, when they decided to pool our different fields of expertise and their enthusiasm for providing dermatological solutions for the dermatological world.enthusiasm to provide dermo-cosmetic solutions for problem skin, such as acne-prone skin or hyperpigmented skin. To obtain formulas whose efficacy and tolerance were unbeatable, they knew that they had to act not only on the signs but also on the causes of these skin disorders.

In this search for global solutions to skin problems, nature has always been our best ally. Indeed, it possesses extremely valuable natural resources for correcting skin problems: from the very first steps, they draw the powerful active ingredients that make up their products from the very heart of plants. To do this, they rely on the unique expertise of Laboratoires Expanscience, the fruit of 60 years of experience in skin physiology, mastery of the plant world and sustainable development.

Over the years, they have never ceased to innovate in order to offer you even safer, more effective and more pleasant skin care products, based on the latest scientific advances in dermatology and plant extraction.

Noviderm products

The brand differentiates itself by formulating innovative natural creams and cosmetics, with plant-based ingredients, which offer solutions to various skin disorders and aesthetic problems, such as wrinkles, blemishes or acne.

Also, one of the company's most important objectives is to minimise damage to the environment. For this reason, they use packaging that is respectful as it is created with recycled plastics or the paper or cardboard they use comes from forests or companies managed in a legal and sustainable way, among other things.

In the FarmaciasDirect catalogue you can find Noviderm boreade creams for the different uses, types of tissues and needs of your skin. From the boreade washing cream to the anti-pigmentation cream, you will find all these products at the best price.

Habits for acne-prone skin

To get rid of pimples and blackheads, nothing can replace a dermatological treatment accompanied by appropriate dermo-cosmetic care. However, a few simple habits can limit the increase in blemishes: quickly adopt these good habits to enjoy healthy skin.

The first thing to do is to adopt irreproachable daily hygiene to eliminate excess sebum and impurities accumulated on the skin by washing your face twice a day with a gentle product without rubbing. Opt for gentle, non-irritating cleansing and skincare products specially adapted to acne-prone skin, such as Noviderm's Boréade line, which will help you effectively fight against blemishes. Always choose non-comedogenic and non-greasy cosmetics (make-up, hygiene and care products, etc.), such as those available in pharmacies. Use sun creams with a high protection factor in summer (SPF 50 minimum).Control stress, which encourages acne outbreaks, and follow the dermatological treatment to the letter and without getting discouraged: nowadays, medical treatments are very effective, although they require several weeks to take effect and must be followed for at least three months for the improvement to be long-lasting.

On the other hand, what you should not do is choose drying, degreasing (Marseille soap type) or alcohol-based hygiene and treatment products to better fight against blemishes: in this case, they could multiply. Similarly, do not wash your face more than twice a day so as not to compromise the skin's balance. Avoid chocolate or cold meats. Good news! To date, the link between a fatty and/or sugary diet and the aggravation of acne has not been scientifically proven. You can therefore enjoy these pleasures without fearing an increase in pimples and blackheads. However, beyond acne, keep in mind that a balanced diet is the first step to totally healthy skin. Popping pimples and blackheads. You could infect acne lesions and spread germs across the skin. This can lead to over-infection, scarring and more pimples. Exposing yourself to the sun to fight pimples: at first, ultraviolet rays can actually dry out blemishes and give the impression of an improved skin condition. However, in the medium term, the sun causes the skin to thicken and contributes to clogged pores. If you use non-comedogenic, non-oily products and thoroughly remove make-up every night, there is no point in going without make-up. There are many products that will help you conceal skin imperfections.

Habits for blemished skin

Generally located on the face, décolleté, arms and hands, blemishes (or lentigines) tend to increase with age and after the summer holidays: the sun and ageing are the two main causes. To prevent them from multiplying over time, adopt good habits as soon as possible!

In this case, the best thing to do is to consult your dermatologist, who will make a precise diagnosis of the spots and propose the most appropriate treatment. Avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible, especially in summer.Use a sun cream with a high protection factor, SPF 30 to 50+, on exposed areas (face, neck, décolleté, arms, etc.) and in all seasons, even when you do not plan to sunbathe.Avoid the sun, especially if you are pregnant, to limit the risk of the famous "pregnancy spots" or chloasma (associated with hormonal changes and exposure to ultraviolet rays). If the spots are numerous and very marked, consider laser or pulsed light treatment, which should be carried out by a specialised dermatologist. Use a depigmenting cream such as Noviderm's Melatrio Intensive Depigmenting Cream morning and night. Alone or as a complement to a laser treatment, it will help to attenuate existing spots and prevent the appearance of new ones. Check that the cosmetics and/or medicines you use are not photosensitising.Do not hesitate to use make-up: concealers and foundations will help to even out the complexion quickly and contribute to its protection and always keep children perfectly protected from the sun:In addition to the immediate risks, sunburn in childhood encourages the appearance of freckles and spots in adulthood.

What you should not do is apply sunscreen only once a day: to be effective and retain its protective effect, a sunscreen should be applied at least four times a day (when you get up, at midday, after lunch and in the evening). Do not apply any sunscreen on cloudy days: although the heat is less intense than when it is sunny, the ultraviolet rays pass through the clouds and the risks to the skin remain the same, and expose the face directly to the sun, even with a cream with a very high protection factor: a sunscreen is not a shield and areas with spots should be kept in the shade.

Where can you buy these products?

In the online parapharmacy Farmaciasdirect you can find Noviderm products at pharmacy prices. Its pharmacists and professionals are available by e-mail to answer any questions you may have before or after purchasing these or other products.

Plus, take advantage of our discounts and promotions and get even cheaper products. Even take a look at the reviews of Noviderm Spain products and get out of doubt. Care for and protect your skin!