Dermatix is a brand offering silicone-based treatments created and developed by Meda Pharma laboratories and especially suitable for the treatment of newly formed scars resulting from surgery, accidents, burns and other injuries. This includes caesarean scars, breast operations, cosmetic surgery, maxillofacial surgery and other surgical procedures. The treatment takes into account the three types of scars: hypertrophic, more common in young people, resulting from burns and in dark-skinned people, are characterised by a reddish colour, are thick, raised, itchy, painful and grow over a period of time some months after the wound has healed; keloids, which can occur at any age, are also reddish in colour and have a reddish appearance; and keloids, which can occur at any age, are also reddish in colour and have a reddish appearance, and have a reddish appearance.keloids, which can occur at any age, are also reddish in colour and are characterised by a thick, rounded, irregular proliferation beyond the edges of the wound; atrophic, which are usually small, caused by an error in the wound's design; atrophic, which can occur at any age.Atrophic, usually small, caused by an error in the wound healing process that interrupts the process and not enough connective tissue fibres are formed, are typical of acne or chickenpox. To carry out this task of smoothing and improving scars Dermatix offers two types of products: a gel and silicone sheets.
Among these Dermatix products, the silicone gel is characterised as a self-drying topical gel that is mainly used for the prevention of newly formed scars or for the reduction of prominent immature scars. It comes in a 15g tube and is available without prescription. It has multiple benefits: it smoothes and flattens scars, reduces discolouration, relieves pain and associated itching, dries quickly, is comfortable and easy to use, maintains normal skin hydration, provides skin protection, reduces the appearance of scars, and reduces the appearance of scars.It is transparent, discreet and can be covered with make-up and photoprotective cream. On the other hand, the silicone sheets are made of a combination of silicone and Teflon that provides internal reinforcement to create thin, durable sheets, increasing flexibility and breathability, and do not require any adhesive. It is especially focused on the treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars, indicated for large scars, burns or those patients who have a higher risk of abnormal scarring. They are self-adhesive, thin, transparent, durable and washable.
Dermatix is a range of products created by Meda Pharma Laboratories, now owned by Mylan, a global generic pharmaceutical company that has now grown from third place in the United States to second place worldwide in generic drug-related products. It is a medical device designed for those more traumatic scars that can cause unpleasant symptoms or end up affecting the sufferer psychologically. Any scar, regardless of its size or location, is perceived as a personal problem. This means that an effective treatment to reduce the visibility of the scar can positively affect the self-esteem of the individual, as psychologists explain.
Dermatix products act on the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the epidermis, reducing evaporation and restoring homeostasis and producing positive effects on growth factors and collagen concentration. Both the sheets and the gel can be applied to all areas of the skin, including the face, joints and sensitive areas, allowing you to choose the most suitable treatment, covering all needs. Before using this product it is mandatory to wash the scar area thoroughly with soap and water, dry it well, apply the gel or place the sheet on clean, dry skin and keep the product on for 12 to 23 hours a day. It is important to wash the area at least once a day and, in the case of the sheets, to do so with warm water and ordinary soap without moisturising compound. As for precautions: do not apply on open wounds or in contact with mucous membranes, do not use on other dermatological products and, in case of redness of the area, pain or irritation, stop using the product and seek medical advice. Keep out of the reach of children.
Dermatix has received positive reviews for its results in reducing, softening, discolouring and flattening scars. Often the deepest wounds leave their mark for life, the fast and premature treatment of these scars thanks to Dermatix gel, which creates a thin, matte layer over the already closed wound that prevents moisture loss and allows less scar tissue to form in the damaged area, smoothing and flattening the scars.The first results are visible after the first eight weeks of treatment with the total loss of itching, pain and reduction of discolouration.
Dermatix can be purchased conveniently, easily and safely through the Farmaciasdirect website. Dermatix products have a good price, being an economical and effective way that has become a highly recommended treatment used by dermatologists, surgical health professionals and psychologists for the improvement and reduction of the marks that scars leave on the skin and can end up affecting personal self-esteem.