Tegor Mykofarina is a product in capsule form containing a combination of natural ingredients. It is formulated to help strengthen the immune system and improve overall health. One of the main ingredients in this product is mycotherapy, which uses medicinal mushroom extracts to promote health and well-being. These mushrooms have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and have been shown to help strengthen the immune system and fight infections. In addition, Tegor Mykofarina also contains other ingredients such as vitamin C and zinc, which are known for their immunomodulatory properties. Overall, this product may be beneficial for those looking to strengthen their immune system and improve their overall health.
Tegor Mykofarina is a product in capsule form containing a combination of natural ingredients. It is formulated to help strengthen the immune system and improve overall health. One of the main ingredients in this product is mycotherapy, which uses medicinal mushroom extracts to promote health and well-being. These mushrooms have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and have been shown to help strengthen the immune system and fight infections. In addition, Tegor Mykofarina also contains other ingredients such as vitamin C and zinc, which are known for their immunomodulatory properties. Overall, this product may be beneficial for those looking to strengthen their immune system and improve their overall health.