Tegor Diar Stop is a product in capsule form that is designed to help combat diarrhoea problems. It contains a combination of natural ingredients that have anti-diarrhoeal and anti-inflammatory properties, such as oak bark, agrimony and tormentil. These ingredients help reduce the frequency and intensity of diarrhoea episodes, relieving symptoms and promoting faster recovery. In addition, Tegor Diar Stop may also help to improve digestion and restore the balance of intestinal flora. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and consult a doctor before using this product.
Tegor Diar Stop is a product in capsule form that is designed to help combat diarrhoea problems. It contains a combination of natural ingredients that have anti-diarrhoeal and anti-inflammatory properties, such as oak bark, agrimony and tormentil. These ingredients help reduce the frequency and intensity of diarrhoea episodes, relieving symptoms and promoting faster recovery. In addition, Tegor Diar Stop may also help to improve digestion and restore the balance of intestinal flora. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and consult a doctor before using this product.