• Specchiasol Prevent Nocist 24 Cápsulas

Specchiasol Fisiosol 06 Zinc-Copper 20Amp.


SPECCHIASOL FISIOSOL 06 Zinc-Copper 20amp is a supplement containing zinc and copper, two minerals essential for the proper functioning of the body. These minerals are important for the immune system, the health of the skin and hair, as well as for the metabolism of nutrients. This product comes in the form of ampoules and can be used as a food supplement to maintain an optimal mineral balance in the body.

Regular price €12,86
Sale price €12,86 Regular price €14,29
You are saving: -€1,43
Specchiasol Prevent Nocist 24 Cápsulas
Specchiasol Fisiosol 06 Zinc-Copper 20Amp.
Regular price €12,86
Sale price €12,86 Regular price €14,29
You are saving: -€1,43

SPECCHIASOL FISIOSOL 06 Zinc-Copper 20 ampoules is a product containing a combination of zinc and copper in the form of ampoules. These minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the human body. Zinc is necessary for the immune system, wound healing and the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. Copper is important for the formation of red blood cells and the maintenance of healthy bones, connective tissues and nerves. This product is used as a dietary supplement to help maintain a healthy immune system and promote overall health.


Please refer to the packaging of this product for a full list of ingredients and nutritional information. If in doubt, or if you need additional information on any active ingredient, please consult our team of expert pharmacists at Farmaciasdirect.

Pharmaceutical advice

The product SPECCHIASOL FISIOSOL 06 Zinc-Copper 20amp is a supplement containing zinc and copper. These minerals are important for the proper functioning of the immune system and overall health. If you are considering taking this product, I would recommend consulting with a pharmacist or doctor to determine the proper dosage and whether it is appropriate for your individual needs. It is also important to consider any other medications or supplements you are taking, as there may be interactions.