• Sakai Triptoactive Forte 60 Comprimidos
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Sakai Triptoactive Forte 60 Tablets


Sakai Triptoactive Forte is a natural supplement containing 60 tablets. It is designed to improve the health of the digestive system. However, no additional information is provided on the specific ingredients or benefits of this product.

Regular price €17,16
Sale price €17,16 Regular price €24,85
You are saving: -€7,69
Sakai Triptoactive Forte 60 Comprimidos
Sakai Triptoactive Forte 60 Tablets
Regular price €17,16
Sale price €17,16 Regular price €24,85
You are saving: -€7,69
Sakai Triptoactive Forte is a natural supplement in tablet form used to improve the health of the digestive system. It contains active ingredients that help relieve the symptoms of indigestion, such as heartburn, heaviness and flatulence. It may also help to improve the digestion of food and promote a healthy balance in the digestive system. This product is used as a complement to a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle to maintain good digestive health.


175 mg L-tryptophan. 26 mg dry extract of Griffonia (Griffonia simplicifolia) titrated at 98% 5-HTP. 0.70 mg vitamin B6. ❊ 28.13 mg of magnesium.

How to use

The instructions for use of Sakai Triptoactive Forte is to take 2 tablets daily, preferably before main meals. It is recommended to take them with a glass of water. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and consult a health professional before starting any supplement.


The main active ingredient in Sakai Triptoactive Forte is tryptophan.

Pharmaceutical advice

Sakai Triptoactive Forte is a natural supplement used to improve digestive health. Some precautions to keep in mind when using this product include:

1. Consult your doctor before starting this supplement, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have a pre-existing medical condition.

2. Always follow the manufacturer's recommended dosage instructions.

3. Do not exceed the recommended dosage, as this may cause unwanted side effects.

4. If you experience any allergic reactions or side effects, such as stomach upset or skin rashes, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

Remember that natural supplements can interact with other medications you are taking, so it is important to inform your doctor about all the products you are using.