• Royal Canin Junior Schnauzer Miniature 1,5Kg, pienso para perros

Royal Canin Junior Schnauzer Miniature 1,5Kg, dog food for dogs


Royal Canine, dog food

Regular price €16,28
Sale price €16,28 Regular price €18,99
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Royal Canin Junior Schnauzer Miniature 1,5Kg, pienso para perros
Royal Canin Junior Schnauzer Miniature 1,5Kg, dog food for dogs
Regular price €16,28
Sale price €16,28 Regular price €18,99
You are saving: -€2,71

Royal Canin Miniature Schnauzer Junior dry food for puppies

Royal Canin Miniature Schnauzer Junior dry food is suitable for the specific feeding of puppies of this breed up to 10 months of age. The formula of this dry food takes into account all the nutritional needs of the Miniature Schnauzer puppy during this stage so that it grows healthy and strong until it reaches adulthood.

The Miniature Schnauzer is of German origin and is a derivation of the standard breed. Although it is a small dog, its build is robust and muscular. It is characterised by its affectionate nature, although it can sometimes become completely dependent on its owner. They are also noted for their great intelligence.

As puppies they are beautiful dogs, but they need a specific diet to cover their nutritional deficiencies. Royal Canin Miniature Schnauzer Junior is a food adapted to the very specific needs of these puppies.
This dog food offers an excellent balance of protein (30%) and fat (14%) to keep their muscles strong and active at all times. It contains chondroitin and glucosamine for their joints, as well as calcium and phosphorus, important for the optimal mineralisation of the Miniature Schnauzer's skeletal system. If we maintain this way of feeding, he will enjoy healthy bones throughout his life.

All the ingredients in Royal Canin Miniature Schnauzer Junior are easily assimilated to protect the digestive tract. It contains a mix of cereals that provide the puppy with the necessary fibre (Psyllium seeds) to activate his intestinal flora and regulate his bowel movements. To keep his coat shiny, silky and his skin healthy, this puppy food contains omega 3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins and minerals that allow his cerebral cortex to develop, making him learn faster.

In addition, Royal Canin Miniature Schnauzer Junior is enriched with antioxidants and amino acids that strengthen their defences, as their immune system is still developing in their first months of life.
It is adapted to the size of this breed and designed to maintain good oral hygiene. Your puppy will love the taste of this adapted food and it will also prevent the formation of tartar and bad breath. If you have a Miniature Schnauzer puppy and want him to grow up healthy, give him Royal Canin's breed-specific food. He'll love it.

Pet owners have trusted Royal Canin since 1967, when this pioneering company in the world of animal nutrition in Spain was founded. Royal Canin focuses its efforts on creating the most innovative and healthy products for a large number of types of pets. Its principles are based on quality, responsibility, reciprocity, efficiency and freedom to determine your future and guarantee the best possible nutrition for your pet.


Dry food for Miniature Schnauzer puppies adapted to their specific needs. Offers an excellent balance between protein (30%) and fat (14%). Puppy food rich in amino acids and antioxidants to support the immune system. Contains omega 3 fatty acids for good development of the cerebral cortex.


Complete and balanced dry food suitable for the specific feeding of miniature schnauzer puppies up to 10 months of age.
Take care of your Miniature Schnauzer puppy by offering him a food adapted to his breed and age. Royal Canin Miniature Schnauzer Junior provides a balanced and specific diet.