Pro Plan, veterinary diets, dog food, dog food
Purina VD OM dry dog food for overweight dogs
Dogs that are prone to being overweight are at risk of heart disease, diabetes and respiratory disorders. No matter their size, age or breed. That's why Purina VD OM for the management of obesity in dogs is the ideal food for your pet to reduce its weight. With this food, he will enjoy good health and be fit without giving up tasty food.
The food is suitable for dogs with obesity problems who suffer from diabetes mellitus or suffer from diseases such as constipation or hyperlipidaemia (related to fibre). The recipe is very low in calories and promotes effective and steady weight loss, and its high protein content maintains lean body mass. This ensures that your dog is guaranteed to maintain its ideal weight.
The high level of protein, complex carbohydrates and fibre in this product provides your dog with a feeling of satiety, which is very convenient and useful when he is on a diet and eats in smaller quantities. In this way, the animal maintains its optimum weight and does not regain the weight it has lost.
In addition, the formula contains complex carbohydrates with a low glycaemic index, such as barley and soya. These substances control blood glucose levels, making it a suitable food for diabetic dogs. On the other hand, it is not recommended for animals with problems associated with a catabolic state (when their body needs more energy and does not receive sufficient nutrients to obtain it), as well as in growing dogs and pregnant and/or lactating females.
Food for adult dogs with overweight or diabetic problems.
High in protein and low in calories.
Controls glucose levels.
Promotes controlled weight loss.
Maintains ideal weight.
Food for adult dogs with obesity and diabetes problems.