Pro Plan, veterinary diets, dog food, dog food
Purina VD HA Hypoallergenic Dog Food for Dogs
Allergic reactions often cause irritation of the skin or digestive system, a problem that can lead to frequent vomiting or diarrhoea in your pet. Purina Hypoallergenic dog food is especially suitable for those animals that have problems with allergies or food intolerance. It is a clinical product and a very effective treatment for these disorders that dogs of any age and breed can take.
Purina Pro Plan Hypoallergenic hypoallergenic diet reduces to the maximum the problems suffered by the most vulnerable animals in this type of situation. In fact, its formula has been designed by veterinary specialists in canine nutrition. The best solution for dogs with allergy problems, dermatitis or gastroenteritis associated with allergy, food intolerance, inflammatory bowel disease, hyperlipidaemia or lymphangiectasia.
Pro Plan Hypoallergenic has a single source of protein extracted from hydrolysed soya. In addition, it has only one type of carbohydrate: corn starch. This simple composition is what prevents most allergic reactions in the animal.
It is a feed that includes medium-chain fatty acids in its recipe. These alleviate the difficulties that your pet may have for the correct absorption of nutrients. A disorder that is very common in dogs with allergy-related symptoms. Fatty acids also contain an excellent source of energy to facilitate normal absorption and digestion.
Proplan Hypoallergenic Dog Food also contains vitamin A, minerals such as zinc and omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. These substances support the integrity of the skin at all times and control any allergic inflammation your pet may suffer.
Purina hypoallergenic dog food is suitable for dogs of any breed or age that have problems with allergies or food intolerance. In elimination diets, this food should be administered exclusively for 8-10 weeks. If the animal improves, the product can be incorporated into its diet for life.