The HEALTHY VIDA HEALTHY BRUXI Splint is an oral health product that is available in two different sizes. This brace is designed to help prevent bruxism, a condition in which people clench or grind their teeth involuntarily during sleep. By using this splint, you can reduce tooth wear and relieve symptoms associated with bruxism, such as jaw pain and headaches. It is an effective and comfortable option for those looking to improve their oral health and enjoy a restful night's sleep.
The Healthy Vida Healthy Bruxi splint is a dental splint designed to help treat bruxism, which is the involuntary habit of clenching or grinding the teeth. This splint is worn at night and is placed over the upper or lower teeth to protect them from wear and damage caused by bruxism.
The splint is made of a strong, durable material that adapts to the shape of the teeth, providing comfort during use. In addition, it helps to relieve the symptoms associated with bruxism, such as headaches, tense jaw and facial pain.
It is important to note that this splint should be used under the supervision of a dentist, who will assess the need and proper fit of the splint. In addition, it is advisable to maintain good oral hygiene and make regular visits to the dentist to ensure proper oral health.