This rollator and wheelchair (2 in 1) is very practical. The user can use it as a rollator. It has brakes and locking from the handles. It is not necessary to lift the rollator to be able to move forward thanks to its wheels. When the user needs it, he/she can switch the backrest to the other side and sit down to be pushed.
Its characteristics are: Aluminium frame. Backrest and seat covered with sponge 4 wheels of 20 cm and basket under the seat This rollator can be folded when the seat is raised Article weight: 9,0 Kg. Maximum weight: 100 Kg Dimensions: Seat height: 53 cm. Height of handles: 81-92 cm. Overall width: 62 cm Depth: 95 cm Seat: 35 x 32 cm HERA-CV Code: EAN 010C-513 SIRPO Code: E0008507 Recommended for people with hand mobility. They are suitable for people with weakness in one or both lower limbs, people with balance disorders or those who have an overall decrease in strength but still have enough strength in the upper limbs to handle it.