Felix Feline Fantastic Fantastic Duo Delicious Fish is a wet cat food that comes in a pack of 12 pieces. Each piece weighs 85 grams and is made with delicious fish. It is a high quality product that provides balanced and tasty nutrition for your cat.
Felix Feline Fantastic Fantastic Duo Delicious Fish 12X4X85Gr is a wet cat food. This product is designed to provide a delicious and nutritious meal for your cat. It contains fish, which is a source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial for your pet's health. The 85g tins make it easy to provide the right portion for each meal. This wet food is ideal to complement your cat's daily diet and keep him healthy and happy.
Felix Feline Fantastic Duo Delicious Fish 12X4X85Gr. can be fed directly from the container or transferred to a clean bowl. Be sure to provide your cat with fresh water at all times.