• Blemil Plus 2 Fh Leche de Continuacion 400 gr
  • Blemil Plus 2 Fh Formula 400g

Blemil Plus 2 Fh Formula 400g


Blemil Plus 2 FH is a follow-on formula based on highly hydrolysed casein proteins that provides a high nutrient supply for infants from 6 months of age to help meet their nutritional requirements and achieve a balanced diet.

Regular price €33,37 83,43 € / 1kg
Sale price €33,37 Regular price €33,37
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83,43 € / 1kg
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Blemil Plus 2 Fh Leche de Continuacion 400 gr
Blemil Plus 2 Fh Formula 400g
Regular price €33,37 83,43 € / 1kg
Sale price €33,37 Regular price €33,37
You are saving: -€0,00
83,43 € / 1kg
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3 item(s)

Blemil Plus 2 FH

Follow-on formula based on hydrolysed proteins - From 6 months - Suitable for feeding infants with allergy and intolerance to cow's milk proteins and malabsorption of fats and carbohydrates. 100% highly hydrolysed casein. 95% of peptides with size less than 1000 Da. Contains dextrinomaltose as the only carbohydrate, to ensure good digestibility and correct osmolarity.

Does not contain lactose. With nucleotides, which intervene in the maturation of the digestive system and the humoral and cellular immune response. With Probiotics, which, by increasing the concentration of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the digestive tract, help to stimulate natural defences and activate protective mechanisms against atopic dermatitis and food allergy. Supplemented with ω-3 PUFA-CLU (DHA) and GLA, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. DHA modulates the immune response and reduces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. GLA helps to improve the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. In addition, LC-PUFA promotes proper development of the Central Nervous System and visual function. 15% MCT, favouring the absorption and digestion of fats and their energy supply Enriched in Taurine (involved in the development of the brain and visual function, and favours the correct digestion and absorption of the lipid fraction of milk).Enriched in Taurine (involved in brain development and visual function, and promotes the correct digestion and absorption of the lipid fraction of infant milk) and Carnitine (essential for the oxidation of fatty acids and obtaining energy from them, and of great importance for the maturation and development of brain structures). Enriched in vitamins and minerals, to cover the daily requirements of infants, and in Choline and Inositol. Improved taste, due to its low sulphur amino acid content. Blemil Plus 2 FH is indicated in cases of: Treatment of intolerance and allergy to cow's milk proteins. Severe or chronic diarrhoea. Fat and carbohydrate malabsorption syndromes. Severe gastrointestinal disorders. Immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. Atopic dermatitis or cutaneous eczema. Blemil Plus 2 FH is a dietary food for special medical purposes and should be used under medical supervision. It should be used as part of a diversified diet and should not be used as a substitute for breast milk during the first 6 months of life. Breast milk is the best food for infants during the first months of life, and when this is not possible, it is up to the paediatrician or health professional monitoring growth and development to recommend the most suitable one.


Dextrinomaltosa, Aceites vegetales (Aceites de palma, palmiste, nabina, girasol, girasol alto oleico y borraja), Hidrolizado de caseína, Triglicéridos de cadena media (MCT), Sales minerales (Sodio, Potasio, Cloro, Calcio, FóMagnesium, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Iodine, Selenium), Emulsifiers (Soya Lecithin and Citric Mono-Diglyceride Esters), Vitamin complex (Vitamins: C, E, Nicotinamide, Calcium Pantothenate, B2, B6, B1, A, Folic Acid, K, Biotin, D, B12), L-Cystine, Choline, L-Tryptophan, Fish Oil (source of DHA), Taurine, Inositol, Nucleotides (Monophosphates of: Cytidine, Uridine Disodium, Adenosine, Inosine Disodium, Guanosine Disodium), L-Carnitine, Antioxidants (Mixed Tocopherols and Ascorbyl Palmitate), Probiotics (Bifidobacterium infantis and Lactobacillus rhamnosus). Blemil Plus 2 FH is prepared with a measure of 4.7 g for 30 ml of water.

Consult our pharmacist
Miriam Arenas
A pharmaceutical specialist in nutrition and sexual health will advise you on the products that best suit your needs.
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Supplier: Ordesa Supplier's address: Calle Mar Mediterrania (Polígono Industrial Torre del Rector), 5-9, 08130 Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, Barcelona, España Mobile phone: +34 935 747 440