Advance Appetite Control Snack for all types of dogs are healthy and delicious high quality biscuits ideal for the health care of your dog.
Advance dog biscuits to control appetite.
They are perfect for dogs that need to control their diet.
It is advisable to provide them between 1 and 3 hours before each meal so that the satiating effect works and the dog does not arrive at mealtime with so much anxiety.
Advance Appetite Control treats contain a high amount of fibre with a satiating effect that helps to reduce the sensation of hunger and therefore voluntary food consumption.
The Advance Appetite Control treats include a very low percentage of fat, which makes the treats healthy as well as effective.
They are perfect for any type of breed, as if they are too large they can be broken without a problem.
Thanks to their delicious ingredients, Advance satiating effect biscuits are highly palatable, which makes them totally resistible to your pet. They are not considered a medicine but a delicious complement to their food.
Their high fibre content has a satiating effect that helps to reduce the sensation of hunger and therefore the voluntary consumption of food. Your dogs will be delighted and will want to supplement their food every day.
Helps to reduce the feeling of hunger.
Contains only 2.0% fat.
Full flavour.
High fibre content.
Satiating effect.
Format: 150 g